• info@ndolanutrition.org |
  • +260 212 610017 or +260 977 856 942
  • Folow Us :

Providing Nutritious Meals to Vulnerable Children & Households

We provide nutritious meals to school going children to help improve learning outcomes

Empowering Youths & Women with Income Generating Activities

We empower women and youths with income generating activities and tools to enable them become self-reliant and increase their incomes.

Supporting Vulnerable Communities with Bicycles

We help vulnerable populations with bicycles so they can easily sell their produce to nearby towns and help the childrens who have to walk longer distances when going to school.

Maternal Health and HIV/AIDS Prevention Training & Support

We train and empower youths and women on maternal health and HIV/AIDS prevention strategies to help reduce higher martenal related diseases raveging vulnerable youths and women in Zambia.

Providing Clean Water

In areas that have challenges to accessing clean water, we help by sinking boreholes.

Agricultural Empowerment

We provide training on best agricultural practices to help smallholder farmers increase their yields. We then provide selected farmers with seeds and fertilizer and also support them to access markets for their produce.

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